After ‘do you have space?’ and ‘how much do you cost?’, our most often asked FAQ is ‘where do you walk?’. So, where do we walk?
Our answer: we walk all over.
Today (Sat 14th June) we have walked in a nature reserve in Allington, Dove Hill Wood and Kiln Wood in Penenden Heath, Barming Orchards and along the River Medway. And wonderful walks they were too.
Every day is different, and we don’t guarantee our walk routes because of this. As we are proud to offer ad-hoc and walks to shift workers, our days can change at the snap of a tasty dog biscuit.
Of course, if for whatever reason a dog finds travel upsetting we will stick to an area pre-planned with the owner. For example next week we will be walking a nervous dog who struggles to get in a vehicle and from her home, we can get straight into the orchards and fields in Loose.
Although we used to offer dog walking in areas such as Hollingbourne, Loose, Tunbridge, Hadlow, Bearsted, and West/East Malling, due to traffic related issues in Maidstone we have condensed our areas for prime time dog walks. These are now limited to Allington, Barming, Ditton, Fant, Town Center, Penenden Heath, and near by areas only. But if we can’t fit you in we probably know someone who can.
Out of prime time and other services
If you require earlier, later or weekend care we are able to travel further afield. Or if you require services such as small animal care, holiday pet sitting and dog training we are able to travel further to offer you these specialist services.
So if you require dog walking, holiday pet care, dog training or puppy care call or email us today to see if we are available in your area.