What are the 5 Most Important Things To Teach Your Kitten?


1) How to accept handling.

Kittens have a very small window of socialisation, although they can be turned around after 12 weeks gentle handling before this age is the most way to teach them human hands are safe places to be.  Children should be supervised at all times as kittens are very delicate and bones can be broken easily.

2) Behaving around other cats.

Cat to cat conflict is one of the biggest reasons cats are rehomed, usually because they are taken away from their mothers too early.  Ideally, kittens should be kept with their mothers and siblings until they are at least 10 weeks old to teach them feline behaviour.  And if you can adopt or buy two at a time they will be even happier.DSCF2558

3) Litter tray training.

Most kittens have watched their mother use a tray and copy, but there is nothing wrong with a little bit of positive reinforcement to help remind them where to go potty!

4) Appropriate scratching areas.

Cats need to constantly sharpen their claws.  Make sure they have lots of appropriate areas and reward them when you spot them scratching the right thing.  But remember never chastise them for scratching the wrong thing, you will just make them scared.

5) Travel crate train them.

Yes, that sounds odd, but how many of us cat owners have had that battle to get little Fluffy in the carrier when he needs his jabs only to be met with a seemingly Sabretooth tiger?  Here is a step by step guide on how to condition your kitty into not just liking but  to absolutely love their crate


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