They’re Emotional
Have you ever looked at your dog and thought he seemed a little grumpy. Perhaps his tailing isn’t wagging, and he’s constantly falling to the ground with an almost exaggerated sigh. Well, you’re not wrong because dogs do get, for lack of a better word, ‘grumpy.’ This is often because their owner is ignoring them, or they are not getting the level of attention they want. Perhaps it’s been hours since they’ve been played with or walked. Now every animal is different so the reason your pet is annoyed might be something completely weird. But you should definitely pay attention to their emotions because they can be quite serious.
If you lead a busy life you might leave your dog alone for hours at a time. Dogs are incredibly sociable animals and left alone they may get depressed. What you’ll see is that they sleep a lot more through the day. But they’ll only be sleeping because there is nothing else for them to do.
The Get Sick Just Like Us
There are health conditions in dogs and cats that are remarkably similar to the ones experienced by humans. For instance, not to long ago a report emerged suggesting that one in ten cats have dementia. The symptoms are quite similar too with memory trouble being one of the worst. So, if it seems like your cat doesn’t know how you are, that’s a very real possibility that’s exactly what’s happening if they’re in the later years of their life. Sites such as YourFamilyPets have an expansive list of conditions that dogs can suffer from and this even includes arthritis. Though, contrary to belief, it’s not due to jumping off a bed or running up and down stairs.
They Love
There are countless stories online that show the true love animals have for their owners and that it’s not just a one-way street. Looking down at your dog as he is bouncing around at dinner time you might think he’s conditioned to like you because you give him food. That’s probably not true, and there have been cases where an owner has died, and the dog has stayed by their side. Or, refused to leave their grave. This isn’t the reaction of someone who has just lost their food source. It’s an animal in mourning, and some of these stories have to be read to be believed.
They Dream
Finally, while there’s no conclusive evidence that animals dream pet owners find it hard to believe they don’t. We’ve all heard cats purring in their sleep, dogs woofing, birds tweeting and other similar occurrences. The idea that pets dream on the surface might not seem that interesting. But it actually suggests that animals have subconscious desires and that in itself is quite fascinating.