Is My Dog Happy?
Happiness is one of the easiest emotion to pick up on when it comes to our dogs. The most obvious sign that anyone will notice is their tail wagging. Usually the more vigorous the wagging, the happier your dog is! There is also a general sense of contentment that you can pick up on with relaxed ears, a soft pant and gentle eyes.
Ways of keeping them happy include everything from having plenty of dog toys to getting a leather dog pillow bed where they can rest their head. There is something about the dog’s whole body that gives off a sense of softness.
Is My Dog Excited?
There are times of the day that you can pretty much guarantee that your dog is feeling excited and engaged – meal times and walk times are certainly the most common. Some of the most common ways of displaying excitability include running around uncontrollably, tail wagging, barking and spinning in circles. Making sure your dog stays engaged is an important way to keep them happy. You should avoid getting them overstimulated on a regular basis as they could get out of control.
Is My Dog Afraid?
One of the most common situations when your dog can become concerned or afraid is when they are confronted with another canine. Your dog is likely to demonstrate this by stiffening their tail and adopting a defensive stance that shows they are ready for a fight. They may try to make themselves look bigger than they are. When they become nervous, they may draw their ears closer to their head, pant a little faster and open their eyes wider to start letting in more light.
Is My Dog Angry?
Growling and bared teeth can be signs of anger, but they are not always totally clear-cut. They may be used as a warning that they are feeling afraid or threatened. If your dog starts to tear up the furniture, this may be a sign that they are suffering from separation anxiety. Some do this because they are not getting enough attention or exercise. It is worth speaking to your vet if your dog is showing signs of unusual behaviour.
Is My Dog in Pain?
Whining and crying are not always signs of pain. Your dog may simply be trying to get your attention so that you show them some affection or they may be feeling anxious. If you think your dog is in genuine pain then you should consult with your vet immediately.